
Ted Bochanski

Crabber Biography:

Ted Bochanski was introduced to his favorite pastime at a young age along the South Jersey coast, and has perfected his approach to the sport of crabbing through trial and error over the years. As one of the senior members of the Assault on Patcong Creek tournament, he relies on proven methods of the past, like ring traps, but has implemented modern equipment such as a depth finder, GPS and satellite imaging to help him find the crabs.

As the patriarch of the crabbing Bochanski flotilla which now boasts three boats in the tournament, this thoroughbred racing enthusiast believes the best way to improve your odds is simple: More boats in the water, means more traps in the water. More traps means a higher likelihood of catching the winning crab that will finally see the Bochanski name etched on the Assault on Patcong Creek Largest Crab trophy.


  • Hometown: Folcroft, PA
  • Birthdate: Once wrestled dinosaurs
  • Nickname: Tedbo
  • Boat:Big George
  • Years Participating: 2010, 2012-2018
  • Awards: None